EasyHire: Virtual Interview Platform

What is EasyHire?
EasyHire.me is a highly acclaimed virtual interview platform that is widely used (1000+ companies and organizations) as a preliminary screening tool within the financial services industry.

Do I need to install software on my computer, tablet or phone to use EasyHire?
No, you do not need to install anything. Simply click on the link in your email to begin your interview.

How long is the link for my virtual interview valid?
You may take the interview any time within 72 hours of receiving the link. This is the first step in the process of beginning your new career. Candidates who do not complete the interview within 72 hours will be removed from our system and have their Career Preferences form purged from the Careers Canada database.

What does Careers Canada do with my virtual interview?
We forward your virtual interview to the appropriate Hiring Managers from firms that best match your Career Preferences selections. After reviewing your virtual interview, the firms' Hiring Managers will connect with you to further discuss the opportunities that they represent.

You will receive information from Careers Canada about the opportunity BEFORE you speak with any Hiring Managers (along with a list of questions to ask them about the opportunity to ensure that it is a good fit for you). If there is an opportunity that Careers Canada has sent you that you do not wish to learn more about, simply let us know and we will inform the company and remove you from their 'potential candidates' list.

Is there anything that I need to do to prepare for the virtual interview?
The interview is rather informal in nature. Below is a list of the questions that you will be asked (it is worth taking a moment to review them before beginning your interview). Remember, you may take the interview on your own time and it is not intrusive in nature.

Here are the questions that you will be asked:

1. Please tell us your name and the city/town in which you currently reside.
2. Why are you considering a career in financial services?
3. Tell us about some of your previous (or current) job roles - what did you like best about them?
4. What motivates you to do your best work?
5. What are some of the traits that you admire in a business leader/mentor?
6. Do you consider yourself to be more of a 'people-person' or a 'numbers person'? Why?
7. As you know, full training and development is provided for most of the opportunities being offered through Careers Canada. Do you have any concerns about making a career shift into financial services? If yes, what are they?
8. Is there is anything else that you would like to tell us, please take a moment to do so now.

My link to my interview expired before I was able to take the interview - what can I do?
The short answer: nothing. It is generally thought that if someone does not take 10 minutes out of 72 hours to do their virtual interview they are likely not serious about exploring the possibility of a career change. Should you feel that there were extenuating circumstances that should be taken into consideration, please send us an email (info@careers.finance) for our review.